The doctrine of the Mosaic law


            1. The Mosaic law is divided into three parts: the moral code — Codex #1 — which has the commandments related to the laws of establishment — like in Exodus chapter 20 and Deuteronomy chapter five. This part of the Mosaic law is pertinent today under the laws of divine establishment; Codex #2 is the spiritual code, known in the scripture [KJV] as the ordinances. It is a complete Christology designed to present the Lord Jesus Christ as the only saviour and the God of Israel. It includes everything from the structure of the tabernacle, the holy days, the Levitical offerings, and the modus operandi of the Levitical priesthood; Codex #3 is known in the KJV as the judgements. It presents divine laws of establishment designed to provide freedom and privacy for Israel. It was designed to protect their property, their rights, their privileges. It included the functions of the divine institutions, many practical and wonderful things such as diet, sanitation, quarantine, soil conservation, taxation, universal military training, and many other things.

            2. It is very important to understand the recipients of the Mosaic law. They can be divided into three very simple points. a) It was given to Israel — Exodus 19:3; Leviticus 26:46; Romans 3:19; 9:4; b) It was not given to the Gentiles — Deuteronomy 4:8; Romans 2:12-14; c) Christians — Church Age believers — are not under the law. It was not given to the Church. It is not an authorising agent for any part of the royal priesthood — Acts 15:5, 24; Romans 6:14; Galatians 2:19.

            3. The Lord Jesus Christ fulfilled the law — Matthew 5:17. He fulfilled specifically, Codex #2, by His ministry on the cross. In effect, He actually fulfilled Codex #1 by His impeccability. It can even be said that He fulfilled certain stages of Codex #3 in the field of patriotism and the laws of establishment — Matthew 22:21. But the principle concept is that the Lord Jesus Christ fulfilled the law by His sacrifice on the cross.

            4. Therefore, Christ is the end of the law for the royal family, for Church Age believers, for the royal priesthood — Romans 10:4. And in effect there is a conflict between the royal priesthood of the believer and the former Levitical priesthood. The conflict is resolved by the annulment, the abrogation of the law. The law is not in function today.

            5. Believers of the Church Age, members of the royal family, are under a higher law. The indwelling of the Holy Spirit is the badge of royalty. The filling of the Holy Spirit is the fulfilment of the higher law, the superseding law, the law which nullifies the Mosaic law — Romans 8:2-4; Galatians 5:18, 22, 23; 1 Corinthians chapter 13.

            6. The limitations of the Mosaic law. a) It cannot justify. The law was never designed to be an agent of justification — Galatians 2:16; Romans 3:20, 28; Acts 13:39; Philippians 3:9. b) It cannot provide life, it cannot perpetuate anything. Everything related to the law died and disappeared — like the Levitical priesthood. The Mosaic law could not perpetuate the Levitical priesthood forever. So it cannot give life — Galatians 3:21. c) It cannot provide God the Holy Spirit — Galatians 3:2. God the Holy Spirit is provided — indwelling only — members of the royal family as the sign of royalty. d) It cannot solve the problem of the old sin nature — Romans 8:3.

            7. The present purpose of the Mosaic law. Under Codex #1 we have a definition of freedom through the laws of divine establishment. Codex #1 is also designed to convince by divine standard that the unbeliever is a sinner and needs a saviour — Romans 3:20, 28; 1 Timothy 1:8-10. Codex #2 is designed to communicate the Gospel by illustration, by analogy. Codex #3 provides for the national function of freedom under the laws of divine establishment: freedom through military victory, prosperity through free enterprise. This is in contrast to our passage where the past purpose of the Mosaic law was for an authorising agent for the Levitical priesthood. We saw that in Hebrews 7:11,12. 8. The Mosaic law is known by other nomenclature. For example, it is called the book of the covenant — Exodus 24:7,8; 34:27,28; Deuteronomy 4:13-16, 23; 8:18; 9:9,11,15. There is an addendum to the Mosaic law in Deuteronomy 29. The prophecy of the breaking of the covenant is found in Deuteronomy 31, and also Jeremiah 22:9. The book of the covenant is the subject of Jeremiah chapter 11 but is not to be confused with the new covenant of Jeremiah 31.

            9. Keeping the law was never a way of salvation, it was the way of human freedom and human prosperity under establishment. It was designed to provide the best possible conditions for the writing of the Old Testament canon, and it did that perfectly. There is constant reference throughout the Old Testament to the Mosaic law.


            The doctrine of the Mosaic covenant

            1. The Mosaic covenant is divided into three categories.

            The first part called the ten commandments is the freedom code. They do not describe morality, the describe freedom. The fact that morality is mentioned is simply to prove the fact that freedom is based upon establishment. Establishment functions on morality. You don’t have many sins mentioned, only those where freedom is violated. These commandments form the heritage of freedom for the Jewish nation. Human freedom is described in terms of establishment, it is described in terms of morality, the basis for human freedom and privacy.

            The second part of the Mosaic law called the ordinances is the spiritual or the theological code. This is the spiritual heritage of Israel recognising that this nation as well as this race was born from regeneration. When the race was born Abraham was born again, Isaac was born again, Jacob was born again. The nation was born from Moses, Moses was born again, and the Passover commemorates the fact that those liberated, 20 and over, were also born again or they died. So we have a great spiritual heritage in codex #2. This heritage includes primarily doctrines of soteriology and Christology. It emphasises the fact that believers are designed to function under both the laws of divine establishment as well as doctrine resident in the soul. It includes such subjects as the tabernacle, the holy days, Levitical offerings, modus operandi of the Levitical priesthood, and many other factors connected to the spiritual life.

            The third category under the Mosaic law, called the judgements in the KJV, is really the establishment code. It is perhaps the most understood of all and the one that is often distorted into some brand of legalism. It was definitely misunderstood in the days when Paul wrote to Timothy. It includes political as well as the functional heritage of the nation Israel. It covers many subjects: freedom, privacy, marriage, divorce, military service, taxation (tithing), diet, health, sanitation, quarantine, criminal law. And it delineates free enterprise as the only basis for national prosperity.

            2. The recipients of the law was the nation Israel — Exodus 19:3; Leviticus 26:46; Romans 3:19; 9:4. It was definitely not given to the Gentiles — Deuteronomy 4:8; Roman 2:12-14. It was, furthermore, not given to the Church — Acts 15:5,24; Romans 6:14; Galatians 2:19.

            3. Jesus Christ and the law. Jesus Christ kept the law perfectly during the period of His incarnation. This is a part of the doctrine of impeccability, it is also a part of His patriotism. Christ condemned the legalistic distortions of the law and the Pharisees who sponsored them. Christ fulfilled the law — Matthew 5:17, and Christ is the end of the law for believers — Romans 10:4.

            4. Keeping the law is not a way of salvation, never was and never will be — Galatians 2:16. While the Mosaic law reveals the way of salvation it is not the means of being saved. The Mosaic law teaches the gospel but is not the way of appropriating the gospel. It is the way of human freedom, the way of human blessing and prosperity under establishment, but it is not the way of salvation.

            5. Keeping the law is also not spirituality. Believers in the Church Age and/or the royal family of God are under the higher law of spirituality related to God the Holy Spirit, related to the function of GAP — Romans 8:2-4; Galatians 5:18,22,23; 1 Corinthians 13.

            6. Therefore the Mosaic law is limited as far as this dispensation is concerned. We are in the intercalated dispensation and therefore its limitation:

                        a) It cannot justify — Galatians 2:16; Romans 3:20,28; Acts 13:39; Philippians 3:9.

                        b) It cannot give life — Galatians 3:21.

                        c) It cannot provide the Holy Spirit — Galatians 3:2.

                        d) It cannot solve the problem of the old sin nature — Romans 8:4.

            7. Other nomenclature for the Mosaic law. It is called the book of the covenant in Exodus 24:7,8; 34:27,28; Deuteronomy 4:13-16, 23, 31; 8:18; 9:9, 11, 15. In other words, throughout the Old testament in the Pentateuch you are going to stumble over the phrase “this book of the covenant.” This is a specific reference to the Mosaic covenant. The addendum to the Mosaic law found in Deuteronomy 29-32 is definitely a part of the Mosaic law. Prophecies of breaking the covenant are found in Deuteronomy 31:16, 20; Jeremiah 22:9. The book of the covenant is the subject of Jeremiah 11 but is not to be confused with the new covenant to Israel in Jeremiah 31:31ff.

            8. The past purpose of the Mosaic law in the Age of Israel.

                         The Mosaic law was the authorising agent for a specialised priesthood — the Levitical priesthood — Hebrews 7:11,12. It authorised the tabernacle as a sacred building and training aid for teaching doctrine — Hebrews 9:1-6. The law authorised Levitical sacrifices — Hebrews 9:12,13. It authorised the blood of animals as a dedication of shadows — Hebrews 9:18-22 cf. 10:1, and it established the pattern for blessing and prosperity in the nation for believer and unbeliever under the laws of divine establishment.

            9. The present purpose of the Mosaic law in the Church Age. It is written for our instruction — Romans 15:4. Our confidence in certain areas, like free enterprise. It was written for our example — 1 Corinthians 10:11,12. It also has another purpose, to convince by divine standards that the unbeliever is a sinner and needs a saviour. In other words, it is a prelude to gospel presentation — Romans 3:20,28; Galatians 2:16.

            So the Mosaic law and its principles form the pattern of policy for all good national government.